Paragliding tandem flights above Sofia from Vitosha mountain – Bulgaria.

We do one and only – paragliding tandem flights above Sofia from Vitosha mountain – Bulgaria. We do not offer parachute jumps, hang glider flights, balloon flights, rafting, horses, ATVs or cheap vouchers. We ensure security and professionalism. You will fly with a new and proven equipment. Our instructors live in Sofia and will become your friends.

  • Choose a flight and order a voucher now
  • Contact us by phone
Panoramic flight
Duration 15-30 minutes
190 bgn
  • Flights from Vitosha mountain, town of Sopot, Konyavska mountain and others, depending on passengers’ wish and weather conditions
Cross Country flight
Duration 15-30 minutes
210 bgn
  • Long-distance flight with thermal flows
Rila mountain flights
Duration 25-60 minutes
400 bgn
  • A flight from the highest mountain in Bulgaria with breathtaking views
Photo and Video
10-15 minutes video and 20-50 selected photos
30 bgn
  • The pilot is taking shots during the flight using a modern selfie stick action camera

Give a voucher gift, make someone happy!

Looking for the perfect gift? Late for event? Call us – we will deliver a voucher for a paragliding flight within a few minutes in Sofia.

  • star rating  Super fun! Super professional! Highly recommended!
    These guys have a lot of experience and it shows!

    Emil S

    star rating  Well it was just brilliant. Mitko took me to nearly 3000 meters high and the view from there was magnificent. The experience to fly with these guys was a way... read more

    dimitur d

    star rating  10/10 great experience. The views above Sofia and Vitosha are breathtaking and Dimitar is an absolute professional with many years of experience. I recommend him to all my friends willing... read more

  • star rating  Dimitar took us around 10.00 AM and we went on a little hike near the Black Peak of Mount Vitosha where the take off spot was located. We already felt... read more

    Yordan A

    star rating  Great experience, the pilots were friendly and made sure you were comfortable flying with them. They have a lot of experience in paragliding. The whole flying experience is amazing something... read more

    Redmar D

    star rating  Dimitar took me paragliding for the first time, and it was one of the best experiences of my life. I've done skydiving before, and it's thrilling, but flying with Dimitar... read more

  • star rating  Well it was just brilliant. Mitko took me to nearly 3000 meters high and the view from there was magnificent. The experience to fly with these guys was a way... read more

    dimitur d

    star rating  Absolutely out of this world! Breath taking views, funny and chilled crew, professionals, exciting adventure! Nothing scary, I promise! Thank you, Dimitar! I'd definitely fly again! ☺️


    star rating  My wife has always been scared by the idea of me hanging from a piece of cloth 200m into the sky. It took some time to convince her that it... read more

    Daniel Z

Vitosha mountain is close to us!

The coolest thing about Sofia is that it is right next to Vitosha mountain. Mountain accessibility makes it one of the symbols of our capital city. You can reach it for a few minutes and enjoy it’s hospitality.

Paragliding tandem flight in Sofia

Paragliding tandem flight with an instructor is a great opportunity to enjoy the flight without any flight training. A well-trained pilot will take care of you during the take-off, flight and landing.

What is the paragliding flying procedure?

The paraglider is the lightest motorless aircraft, parachute-like, which our passengers enjoy a tandem flight with together with an instructor. Welcome into our passion – the air! It is easy for us to share it with you.

  1. Before the flight

After upfront agreement, you meet the instructor on the square in Dragalevtsi, or we pick you up from a place of your choice. Travelling time is around 15 minutes by car, close to Aleko hut. Then we walk around 25 minutes on the Vitosha plateau, close to the “Kominite” area where the take-off location is.

During that time, you get to know your pilot who has already answered your questions and won your trust.

The take-off location reveals a panoramic view of the entire Sofia which we call the “WOW point”. After a short break and a photo session, the pilot helps you with the flight equipment, provides you a helmet, сбруя, checks and doble checks each detail. A pre-flight instruction follows, paying attention to the safety.

  1. Taking-off!

The pilot is right behind you, performing pre-flight check – “check, check, check”, checks several times all carabiners and locks, the spare parachute, as well as the paraglider. When the wind flow is good enough, he pulls out and stretches the wing over you, inviting you to start running. Both the pilot and you run together until the wing takes all your weight.

You are flying, really flying! In fact, you fly very comfortably – sitting like in a comfortable armchair. Rocks float beneath your feet and wind whistles in your ears.

  1. Enjoy the flight

It is difficult to describe the emotions that you feel when flying. Enthusiasm, a sense of true freedom, magnificent views, enjoying every second in the sky.

During the flight you can talk to the pilot, you can ask for more adrenaline or calm sailing, he can allow you to “drive” the paraglider a little bit.

  1. Soft landing

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end sooner or later, and either we wish it or not, we are approaching the Earth. You can see your friends waving you from the landing ground known also in our paragliding community slang as the “the perch“.

Inches before you reach the ground, the pilot will invite you to stand up and step on the ground. Sometimes it might take a few steps to walk. Your friends are running to you to take photos and ask thousands of questions: “How was it, was it scary?” Next is packing the equipment and a short trip back to Dragalevtsi.

Reviews from our customers

Christine Yoncheva
Christine Yoncheva
16:34 11 Jun 24
Lovely flight, nice instructor and good service. On our way back, we stopped for a good local restaurant. It was an awesome experience 😊
Jeanette B
Jeanette B
15:15 20 May 24
Не може да се опише - трябва да се изживее!Сбъдна се една моя мечта - да летя с парапланер!Не съм търсач на силни усещания, но както се изразяват на съвременен младежки език - нямах съмнения, че ще бъде супер яко.В началото беше радостното очакване от полета и никакъв страх. Разходката през красивата Витоша до мястото за излитане. А излитането се оказа най-сериозната част. И за първи път си помислих - ами ако не излетя ?Но как да не излетиш с професионалист като Митко?Вълнуващо, забавно и с висок адреналин удивително преживяване. Благодаря за небесния подарък!
Sornitza Patchinova
Sornitza Patchinova
11:58 11 Sep 23
Great professionals with attention to detail and safety.It was an amazing experience and we will definitely do it again.
Boryana Hei
Boryana Hei
07:49 23 Jul 23
Невероятно изживяване и приключение!!!
Milen Nikolaev
Milen Nikolaev
18:22 12 Jul 23
Полет был потрясающий, мне очень понравилось, весело, красиво, было безопасно и надежно))это был первый и надеюсь что не последний полёт😁👍
Саша Каныгина
Саша Каныгина
19:06 22 Jun 23
Incredible experience. If you are thinking about it, go for it! Was the highlight of my trip to Bulgaria. Dimitar was very knowledgeable and experienced. Felt completely at ease and would recommend to anyone.
Matt Hall
Matt Hall
11:15 19 Apr 23
Благодарим сърдечно за това разкошно преживяване! Това беше мечта на моята майка - да лети с парапланер и ние успяхме да и направим този подарък за 72 рожден ден. Тя беше наистина възхитена, а благодарение на професионализма на Митко всичко мина по най-добрия възможен начин и без притеснения, дори за човек на тази възраст. Продължавай все така да правиш хората щастливи, Митко!
Камена Сиракова
Камена Сиракова
13:43 12 Sep 22
Whole experience was great in all aspects and left me with a big smile. Weather war pleasant, nature was beautiful, and most important - the flight was simply amazing. I felt completely safe at all times, which I highly appreciate. There was no rush, nor haste.Would strongly recommend him for anyone looking for some adventure in life!
Zoran Cvetkov
Zoran Cvetkov
20:01 01 Sep 22
m. p.
m. p.
12:06 15 May 22
It was the best birthday present 🥳 Thanks to everyone involved ❤❤👌
Raya Aatan
Raya Aatan
20:18 20 Feb 22
Great adventure!!!
Daniel Yordanov
Daniel Yordanov
12:35 20 Feb 22
A remarkable experience that for sure I will repeat this year.Never done this before, of course I was a bit nervous before jumping, but once we took off, it was only A-MA-ZING!This guys know their stuff, they make you feel safe, and they are super friendly!Looking forward to repeating soon!
Violeta Delgado
Violeta Delgado
16:16 14 Feb 22
Was amazing! Flying with Dimitar is fun and feels safe! He also has a great music taste!
Jeroen van Dijk
Jeroen van Dijk
14:26 17 Nov 21
Хорааа, върха! Лудница! Въобще не е страшно! Подариха ми ваучер за рожденния ден. Най-добрият подарък!
diana neeva
diana neeva
10:51 11 Oct 21
Аз и приятелят ми си бяхме взели ваучери за полет с парапланер. Много сме доволни от цялата организация, страхотно преживяване. Димитър е изключително точен и коректен. Препоръчваме с две ръце!
Tanya Hristova
Tanya Hristova
19:21 14 Sep 21
These guys are very professional! I felt great the whole time. Lots of fun! I highly recommend.
Emil Shemtov
Emil Shemtov
21:16 13 Sep 21
Трудно е да се опише, колко изумително беше преживяването да летиш с тях. Надвиши всички мои очаквания. Бяха супер любезни, обясняваха всичко с най-големи подробности и любовта с която правят тези полети ги прави в преживяване, което не се забравя. Препоръчвам с две ръце да летите с тях.
dimitur dimitrow
dimitur dimitrow
05:49 18 Aug 21
Благодаря на Димитър за професионализма и страхотното отношение, несъмнено допринесе за невероятното изживяване! Усещането да се рееш във въздуха е неописуемо, с нетърпение очаквам следващия полет :)
Silvia Naumova
Silvia Naumova
20:36 16 Aug 21
Страхотно пеживяване!
Vladimir Petrov
Vladimir Petrov
18:20 10 Aug 21
Expérience incroyable avec de supers moniteurs qui mêlent le professionnalisme et le fun ! Les paysages Bulgares sont également à la hauteur de ce que j'en attendais, magnifiques !!
Fabien Hoinville
Fabien Hoinville
12:41 10 Aug 21
I know Mitko since my high school years back in the 90s when I was teaching him playing guitar :) How would I know he’s gonna be the one who would make my childhood dream come true - to fly in the sky with a hang glider (paragliding was not popular at that time)... Now I think that we people always meet with purpose although we don’t know it initially. Mitko has thousands of tandem flights behind with significant experience gained in Nepal. If you wanna touch the sky like me but have to go back to the Earth for reasons, Mitko is your man. Thank you so much for being my wings, Mitko! Wishing you joy!
Iliyan Panchev
Iliyan Panchev
07:19 29 Jul 21
Фантастичен ден, страхотен полет! Да полетя над Витоша ми е мечта от дете, благодаря на инструктора Димитър Илиев за това, че ми помогна да я осъществя! Препоръчвам горещо!
Konstantin Kostov
Konstantin Kostov
13:24 24 Jul 21
Great experience, professional pilots which make you feel comfortable flying the paraglider.
Redmar Dijkstra
Redmar Dijkstra
19:40 20 Jul 21
Great guy, great experience!!! Enjoyed the flight and all the info he shared !!!
Georgi Tichev
Georgi Tichev
04:04 20 Jul 21
What a fantastic experience! Flying over Sofia with brilliant views. We were taken uphill by a taxi and after that we had to walk a short bit and got a preview of the views we would be having. When we were ready for take off Dimitar and his colleague gave us clear instructions on what to do and not to do and we felt very safe at their experienced hands.Then the flight, it was phenomenal! I would reccomend everyone to do this. Dimitar will sing for you along the way, which certainly adds to the experience :)Thank you for this great experience!
Fabian Lloyd
Fabian Lloyd
08:17 19 Jul 21
Подариха ми ваучер за рождения ден. Абсолютния кеф, лудница!
Vladimir Kovachev
Vladimir Kovachev
16:17 06 Jul 21
Върховно преживяване! Благодаря, Митко 😀
Tatyana Mitreva
Tatyana Mitreva
17:26 17 May 21
Приятелски настроени хора. Много весело преживяване с много адреналин. Нямах никакъв страх.
Дамян Петров
Дамян Петров
09:04 09 Apr 21
Подариха ми ваучер, но все не събирах смелост. Беше страхотно! Летяхме от Комините и кацнахме между Драгалевци и околовръстното. Препоръчвам ги!
Донка Петрова
Донка Петрова
09:00 09 Apr 21
Страхотно преживяване! Летенето с Димитър е голямо удоволствие, защото той е професионалист с изключително голям опит и знания. Беше голяма забава, както докато стигнем до мястото за летене, така и по време на полета, което ми помогна и с притеснението. А ако все още се притеснявате, той без проблеми ще ви дръпне и една лекция по физика за това как парапланера остава във въздуха :D Ако търсите такова преживяване - не се колебайте - няма да съжалявате.
George Angelov
George Angelov
13:20 21 Mar 21
Изживяването е невероятно! Това беше един от най-хубавите подаръци за рожден ден, които някога съм получавала. А човекът, който ми помогна да преодолея страха и направи полета още по-уникален, беше моят инструктор - Димитър! Полетът с парапланер е уникален подарък както за вас, така и за вашите близки. Изпробвайте го и няма да съжалявате!
Анастасия Димитрова
Анастасия Димитрова
09:42 20 Mar 21
Летяхме от Комините на Витоша, ходи се 20 митути пеша по равно и е много красиво. Не повярвах колко лесно излетяхме, а кацнането бе изненадващо - просто в един миг се изправих и вече стоях на земята. Абсолютно приключение и седях на първия ред! Пак ми се летииии!
diana nedyalkova
diana nedyalkova
23:41 19 Mar 21
Rumen Rumenov
Rumen Rumenov
20:42 17 Mar 21
We had an awesome experience flying around Sopot. I also started learning paragliding with Dimitar as an instructor. He was very patient and explained to me in detail the basics of paragliding.
Alexander Bukev
Alexander Bukev
14:09 17 Mar 21
Горещо препоръчвам полета с парапланер! Благодаря, Митак! 🤙
Evgeni Chipev
Evgeni Chipev
21:59 16 Mar 21
Nikola Makaveev
Nikola Makaveev
21:35 16 Mar 21
Прекрасен полет и емоции. А с Митко си допаднахме идеално, още пътьом. :) Препоръчвам.
19:30 16 Mar 21
Най-доброто ми преживяване досега! Парапланер ... това е ... полет! Летете!
Mr. Frogger
Mr. Frogger
17:17 16 Mar 21
This was my first time flying a paraglider. Great experience with a great instructor, I recommend anyone who visits Sofia to see the city from above
Darko Temelkoski
Darko Temelkoski
12:24 16 Mar 21
Ако ви се лети с парапланер, това е човека.Точен, отговорен, забавен и напълно сигурно и леко кацане :)
ilu lilu
ilu lilu
09:31 16 Mar 21
It was a great and memorable flight !
simeon assenov
simeon assenov
08:50 16 Mar 21
Няма по-хубав подарък за рожден ден! Това беше моя! Преживяването е просто уникално, да се рееш във въздуха и да не падаш 😁. Летенето с парапланер нямаше да бъде толкова яко, ако човекът с когото летях не беше Митака. Супер мил и забавен човек, които прави престоя във въздуха още по-приятен. И за финал искам да каже, че отначалото малко ме беше страх, но без този страх нямаше да е толкова яко. Хораа, ако някой се чуди дали да се престраши - ПРЕСТРАШЕТЕ СЕ, няма по-яко изживяване!!!
Александра Димитрова
Александра Димитрова
06:14 16 Mar 21
Ако някой търси супер изживяване с парапланер - Димитър е правилният човек. Много опитен, с готино чувство за хумор, много интересни истории и най-вече - дава сигурност във всеки един момент както още на земята, така и в небето. Силно препоръчвам :)
Anna Asenova
Anna Asenova
22:13 15 Mar 21
Eva Zlateva
Eva Zlateva
20:45 15 Mar 21
Great Experince! I did it in Sofia.Jumped from Vitoša! Simply Wonderful!And Dimitri is a very professional paraglider and a very nice person!I recommend it to everybody!
Francesco Chiari
Francesco Chiari
15:24 15 Mar 21
mihaela georgieva
mihaela georgieva
13:40 15 Mar 21
Удоволствиято от изживяеането да материализираш сънищата си е двойно по-голямо и незабравимо в компанията на най-добрият и усмихнат инструктор-парапланерист.
Теодора Бойчева
Теодора Бойчева
16:34 14 Mar 21
Страхотно преживяване с Митака: един от най-готините и спокойни инструктори с хиляди часове полети зад гърба си. Препоръчвам на всички, които се чудт дали полетът с парапланер не е твърде страшно преживяване. Ами не е, дори е супер chill. ;)Може да летите от Витоша (снимките са от района над Драгалевци), може от Сопот, през някои сезони сигурно и в Родопите е супер, въобще страшно красиви гледки и силни емоции ви очакват.
Georgi Velev
Georgi Velev
17:57 13 Mar 21
A great 30th birthday treat for myself. Dimi made my first time paragliding experience superb! I felt safe all throughout! For thrill seekers out there, I highly recommend Dimi! 👌
07:46 13 Mar 21

Frequently asked questions

Paragliding tandem flight provides the opportunity for the passenger to fly with an experienced instructor – pilot. The wing is designed to carry two persons, each of them sitting comfortably in their seat – harness. The passenger is not required to have any flight skills, only to run a little bit while taking off, then to sit comfortably and enjoy the flight.

Everyone at the age from 5 to 105 and 15 to 115 kilograms is welcome. We have a special harness for kids. Depending on the weather conditions, heavier, lighter and even disadvantaged people can fly.

Bring your sunglasses, sun protection lotion, a bottle of water, a good mood and a camera. Clothes – comfortable and for the season, long-sleeve top and long-leg trousers. If it is hot – wear light clothes, if it is cold – dress well. Shoes should be comfortable, closed and tight. We have to run when taking off and that would be difficult in slippers or high heels.

It’s so nice! Low speed paragliding is most suitable to meet the sky for the first time. It is a misconception that taking off is by jumping off the rocks, rather we take off from a sloped hill. Most of the tandem flights last between 15 and 60 minutes. You can always ask the pilot to land earlier, depending on your wish.

Yes! The pilot is equipped with a new model GoPro action camera on a selfie stick and will take photos and video if you wish. You can bring your camera, action camera or phone, and we will help you to secure them against loosing.

Yes! If that is your wish, the pilot will be happy to turn you “upside down”, put you in a spiral with a few G overload, make you scream out of pleasure, and then smile remembering that time.

Yes! Ask the pilot and he will hand over to you after a short instruction.

The square in front of the community center of Dragalevtsi next to the “Chichovtsi” pub – see the map in Contacts. Address: Ivan Aleksandar square 6; 1415 Dragalevtsi, Sofia. GPS: 42.628904, 23.309421